HR Assistant

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HR Assistant

The human resource function is such an integral part of any business, but it can also be the most complex. But to cut on costs, a survey indicated that at least 81% of small business owners choose to be their own human resource managers thinking that it’s the most cost-effective solution to their need. Unfortunately, more than 30% of these entrepreneurs were also not sure if they were doing everything right. When you already have a lot on your plate as the boss of your business, hiring, managing and evaluating employees could add to your burden of work, and that could cost you a lot financially and emotionally.

NAHVEN & ASSOCIATES shares the same belief in the importance of having a fully functional human resource team. But we also believe that you don’t have to spend a lot of money to make that happen. Outsourcing with us means getting access to a talented team of human resource specialists that will not only process your payroll but also help with hiring and onboarding employees, managing benefits and compliance of employment rules and regulations, and creating training programs for employee development.

When you work with us, you will get a human resource assistant to not only take care of all those important tasks but also one who will help fill the gaps within your company to mitigate risks that could cost you money. Instead of doing all the paperwork and dealing with employee issues, you get to spend more time on setting your goals, marketing your products, meeting new clients and developing strategic plans, all of which will help you get more revenue while one of our reliable HR assistants is holding the back office together for you.