Investment Citizenship

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Investment Citizenship

Growth encompasses a lot of things if you’re a business owner. But one of the lesser-known but most beneficial options for entrepreneurs would be citizenship by investment. Also known as economic citizenship, this concept means that you could be granted a second passport to a country where they start a business or make an investment.

Citizenship by investment, however, involves a long process with several requirements including birth within a certain territory, marriage to a citizen, naturalization or descent from a citizen parent. Currently, seven countries offer citizenship based on investment programs including Austria, Nevis, Antigua and Barbuda, St.Kitts, Cyprus, Malta, Grenada and Dominica. Countries like the USA, United Kingdom, Belgium, Australia, Canada, Bulgaria, Singapore and Portugal also offer opportunities for citizenship after a reasonable period of residence. Wherever you want to conduct business, you have to pass all the necessary requirements and go through the stringent process to be granted this privilege.

With NAHVEN & ASSOCIATES, it’s easier to get the opportunity for an investment citizenship program because we have the experience in this field. We’ll help you fulfill requirements, deal with issues and take the necessary steps to obtain a passport in the country where you’ll be expanding your business. Our team of experts will walk you through this entire concept so you’ll understand its benefits to your business and we’ll be with you every step of the way until you finally get that second passport that will surely open more opportunities for growth.