TMF Analysis

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TMF Analysis

What is a TMF, you ask? The Terminated Merchant File is simply a database that contains data about companies that already had their credit card processing services terminated by a provider. Established by MasterCard, this list is now used by acquiring banks as part of the screening process for merchant account applications and in determining if an existing merchant account should be extended or not. Only acquiring banks can add or remove businesses on the TMF, and if you’re a company applying for a new account or renewing an existing one, you would want to avoid the TMF at all costs.

Some of the reasons merchants can be added to the TMF include excessive chargebacks, fraudulent activities and breaches of contract terms. Those who are placed on the TMF will be there for five years unless the bank that added them to the list will remove them. So if you get added to the list, it would be difficult for you to get another payment gateway account unless you request the acquiring bank to remove you from it.

In this case, you can ask the help of our experts at NAHVEN & ASSOCIATES to help you with a TMF analysis that will help you prove that you should be removed on the list. Our expertise has allowed us to help businesses in all shapes and sizes to get back on track with their merchant accounts by proving that they don’t deserve to be added to the TMF.

Whether you’re applying for a direct merchant account, aggregated account or international merchant account, our team will offer support whenever you need i